Hyperhidrosis Therapy

Botox® and Morpheus8 are two treatments that can help reduce excessive sweating, a condition known as hyperhidrosis.

Botox® works by blocking the signals from the nerves that tell your sweat glands to produce sweat. When injected into the underarms, it can significantly reduce sweating for several months at a time.

Morpheus8 is a treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy to target sweat glands. It can help tighten skin and reduce sweating over time. Radiofrequency energy is combined with microneedling to effectively reduce sweat production.

Both treatments are non-surgical and can provide relief for people struggling with excessive sweating, helping them feel more comfortable in everyday situations.

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  • Botox: 30-45 minutes

    Morpheus 8: 45 minutes of numbing time before the treatment, then 30 minutes for the treatment itself.

  • Botox: No downtime!

    Morpheus: No social downtime, but you may feel some discomfort for a few days post treatment.

  • Botox: Every 3-4 months

    Morpheus 8: 3 treatments 1 month apart.

  • Botox: Botox® for hyperhidrosis is generally covered by most extended health plans under the Medical Benefits program. You can get a prescription from your family Doctor, or see our Medical Director. The only cost for the patient is the injection fee of $200. For more information, book a complimentary consultation.

    Morpheus: For full effectiveness Morpheus treatments require a minimum of 3 treatments. Morpheus for hyperhidrosis is $450/ treatment or $1,147.50 for 3 treatments. When you buy a package of 3 you save 15%.