Migraine Therapy

Botox® for Migraines: What It Does, How It Works, and How Long It Lasts

If you suffer from chronic migraines, you might have heard of Botox® as a treatment option. While Botox® is most famous for smoothing out wrinkles, it’s also an FDA-approved treatment for reducing the frequency and severity of chronic migraines. Botox® for migraines is a game-changer for many, offering relief when other treatments haven’t worked. It’s not a cure, but it can make a big difference in how often you get migraines and how severe they are. If you're struggling with chronic migraines, it’s worth discussing this option with your doctor.

What Botox® Does/How it Works

Botox® works by injecting small amounts of the medication into specific areas around your head, neck, and shoulders. These injections help to stop pain signals from reaching your brain, which can reduce the number of migraines you get. For many people, this means fewer headache days and less intense pain when migraines do occur.

How Long It Lasts

The effects of Botox® for migraines typically last about three months. After that, the injections need to be repeated to continue experiencing relief. Most people find that over time, the treatments help prevent more frequent migraines and give them better control over their symptoms.

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